By misopower - 25/07/2009 18:50 - China

Today, after 9 months in our relationship, my boyfriend and I lost our virginity to each other. We had incredible, mind-blowing sex. An hour later, he broke up with me because apparently "my orgasm face is ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 213
You deserved it 9 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody loses their virginity with "incredible, mind-blowing sex". Nobody.

just tell him that it is ok and you'd prefer a bigger penis anyways


I'm guessing that the sex wasn't all that great and now that you finally let him in your pants and he realized that you suck (and maybe won that bet with the football team), then he's done with you. Sorry, but I feel for the guy. He waits nine months for sex and then it's lousy!? Poor guy! Haha, I'm about half joking. O_o He probably thought it sucked and used the ugly face excuse to not have to do it with you again.

Wow, that really sucks. You'd think after spending that much time waiting for each other that he would care more about you than that. I really feel terrible for you. I am generally against jumping to conclusions, but it almost seems like maybe he was lying to you about him being a virgin. I obviously don't know him, but that's the only conclusion I can come to that involves him breaking up with you for something so inconsequential as the face that you make when he pleases you. If he really was a virgin, then his reaction wouldn't make sense - you'd think he'd be so pleased at giving you an ****** that he'd love whatever your face looked like during.

Quest_ 13

I agree with #22! It gets really annoying and draining to see a thread full of "FAKE" and "BUT YOUR VIRGINS YOU LIER". I would absolutely describe my first time as the OP did, not necessarily due to the physical pleasure, but the emotional intimacy and how special it was for both of us. And contrary to what some people might suggest *cough #59 cough* losing one's virginity is not inherently painful for the female. I experienced mild discomfort for literally about one minute before it was perfectly fine. Also, a man will not inevitably blow his load in ten seconds. My boyfriend lasted two hours. Just you came putting on the condom, or forgot to bring the KY, don't bitch about the OP. Also, inB4 hallway ******/tiny penis/you must be ugly for your boyfriend to have lasted that long.

letitbe56 0

Why DID your boyfriend last that long? I wouldn't take that as a good sign, hon. Studies tend to show that sex lasts from 3-15 minutes, and my experience backs that up. Weren't y'all TIRED after 2 hours of sex? That just sounds like too long to me. Unless you're including foreplay in this calculation; then it sounds amazing...

If your boyfriend...a VIRGIN....lasted 2 hours with you his first time.... I hope you enjoyed it. Might be the last sex you ever have. You are either lying or hideous to look at and it wasn't lasting, but an accomplishment that he did climax after 2 hours of trying.

My story is pretty similar. My first time lasted two or three hours and it didn't hurt once we both relaxed. And yeah, to me then, it was mind-blowing. Awkward as hell, but mind-blowing. Things got a lot better later on, but my point still stands. The OP could also have a similar story. To everyone saying it isn't possible to have a good or great first time, you're deluding yourselves.

letitbe56 0

Seriously, are you guys trying to say that the part while he was actually inside of you lasted 2-3 hours? Or are you including foreplay, stopping and starting again, spooning etc.? Because if you're talking about the actual intercourse, then you are having some damn boring sex, and, if it took him that long, the likelihood that he was enjoying it is low. Or you're all marathon runners, or something, if you could really keep it high energy for that long.

If he dated you for 9 months, Making an "ugly" face wouldn't be a reason to break up. Especially when the sex was "mind blowing". He just wanted to have sex with you. And he is now leaving since he's gotten what he was after. FYL

i think if the only thing he wanted was sex he wouldn't have stuck around for 9 months... unless this girl is REALLY hot. which makes the whole "ugly ****** face" thing kinda illogical...

wowfmlife 0

YDI for having sex before marraige

fake. ****** on first time?!? ppfffff ur too easy n that's sad then!

wtf would a virgin know about mind blowing sex. FAKE.

ydi. how do you know your first time is so incredible and mind blowing? you have only ever been with one person. you'll find someone who really rocks your world