By ihateteenagers - 30/12/2010 02:12 - United States

Today, a punk-looking college kid was making fun of my mentally handicapped son. Out of anger, I punched him in the face. I got handcuffed and thrown into a police car. The kid stood there laughing and pointing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 567
You deserved it 10 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMafia 0

OMG. That punk deserved more than just a punch in the face. What a lowlife. Don't worry, he'll get his retribution.


That's how the cops work nowadays, they jump to conclusions rather than deciding to hear the whole story.

Hellooomindyy 0

138, The cops don't need to hear the full story if his reason for punching the kid wasn't self defense. That's left for the judge and jury to decide. Assault is assault and there is no excuse for his behavior in the eyes of the law. The father had every opportunity to go to the magistrates and take charges out on the boy. In all fairness though, I would totally do the same thing to some badass who picked on my handicapped child. OP just needs to suck it up and take responsibility for his actions.

can you believe 830 people said he deserve it? probably the kid that got his clock cleaned keeps voting it

Sparkiee93 3

That's just horrible. What a goddamn asshole.

he needed his ass kicked. I HATE FAGS LIKE THAT

That's terrible OP :( I would of done the same--or at least yelled at them, though it wouldn't do much... Children these days need to be taught to respect others no matter what. I remember my mom almost back handed my brothers friend when we were younger because he was laughing at a mentally challenged person in Walmart it upset my mom because my aunt and uncle are mentally and physically challenged. plus it's very rude to pick on anyone. and my best friends two older sisters are special too. people just need to grow up and respect others... FYL OP, but also YDI, because you hit the guy. even though I probably would have too!

If he's still standing up you didn't punch him hard enough. Next time remember follow through, cause if you're going to jail then he should at least need some re-constructive surgery.

its effing retarded how people put ydi just to be cool

aglssmurf 0

are u stupid once ur 18 ur an adult by law he shoulda curb stomped his ass

Im part of the punk sence too. I've honestly never heard of a punk who ISNT a hoodlum (or one who listens to the sex pistols for that matter, HAHA) Punks are called punks in a negative term because it IS negative. Punks take that negativity and thrive off of it. we turn it into anger and then we turn that anger into action!!! Personally, I think the Op didn't do a well enough job of beating the kid's ass if he was able to laugh about it after. Op didn't deserve to get arrested AT ALL.

I totally get why you punched him OP. I would have verbally kicked the shit out of him though and humiliated his ass from hell to breakfast. He was probably trying to look big in front of his friends (or a girl). Most people won't say anything at the time but he lost himself some standing by being such an asshole in public.