By ihateteenagers - 30/12/2010 02:12 - United States

Today, a punk-looking college kid was making fun of my mentally handicapped son. Out of anger, I punched him in the face. I got handcuffed and thrown into a police car. The kid stood there laughing and pointing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 567
You deserved it 10 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMafia 0

OMG. That punk deserved more than just a punch in the face. What a lowlife. Don't worry, he'll get his retribution.


and as he walked away, laughing and smiling, I came out of the bushes and beat his dumb ass to the ground, and made home apologize through the tears and blood. :]

Well,no matter what happens,at least you'll have that moment in your head when you knocked his ass out. He deserved it,and you did the right thing.

Some people suck. Some people deserve a punch in the face. However, punching them in the face makes YOU look like the bad guy and will get YOU in trouble. Plus, what do you think the impact is on your son, seeing you thrown into a police car? He won't feel any safer, I can tell you that.

would be more of an fml if your son was the one pointing and laughing at you. next time hit the kid harder so he can't laugh.

Fighting insults with violence... *sigh*

Yes, the kid may have deserved it, but nothing gives anybody the right to punch someone in the face for a rude, insensitive comment. People have said rude things to me, they've made fun of me, but I've never punched them in the face. I've let the comments roll off my back and moved on with my life. If the college student had been punching and attacking the kid, that would be a different story, as the OP would have the right to protect his/her son. But, if he was making fun of his disability, that doesn't mean that he can punch him in the face. If the OP's son had come home from school and said kids were making fun of him, the OP wouldn't have a right to go to the bully's house and punch him. It's illegal. The case is the same in this situation. Also, the fact that the OP did this in front of his son is pretty bad. I'd be personally terrified if I ever saw my mother or father being taken away in a cop car because they had punched somebody. You don't let your child see you doing something as idiotic as that. In summary, both the OP and the college student are in the wrong. The kid shouldn't have made fun of the son, and the OP shouldn't have punched him in the face.

shut up. how is life from inside your locker?

he's an asshole. I'm glad you punched him though lol

Bro if you're gunna commit assault then do it right. Or at least be sneaky about it, track him down and when no one is looking beat his ass. Preferably punch him in the bridge of his nose and then a quick one to the jaw to insure that K.O. because as we all know the quickest K.O.s are to the jaw. Might even be instant if you hit him hard enough.

justbigbs 6

Ahhhh, New York, the ******* state. Punching him was a little too far, but I'm sure any hot blooded father would do the same. Spitting at him on the face might of avoid you from going to jail.

knight0748 5

For those of you who's talking about how karma will get the punk, Didn't IT just got the OP??? besides, that's not what karma means.