Public freakout

By Anonymous - 07/05/2021 06:00

Today, some punk got up in my face yelling at me, pushed my wife and scratched my car with a, "What you gonna do, old man?" attitude, and yet I’m the bad guy who gets arrested because I open-palm slapped him and he fell into a glass window and fucked up his face and neck, probably permanently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 253
You deserved it 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

It sucks the other guy got that injured but it’s his own fault for being a dick. Some people learn the hard way. Hopefully there were cameras somewhere capturing the whole situation and the justice system prevails for you, OP.


Well what you did to him is much worse than what he did to you...

Marcella1016 31

It sucks the other guy got that injured but it’s his own fault for being a dick. Some people learn the hard way. Hopefully there were cameras somewhere capturing the whole situation and the justice system prevails for you, OP.

I don’t know in your country, but in mine, if you’re attacked, your response has to be proportionate. Here I’m not saying the punk did right but the answer was not at all proportionate.

Being a dick doesn’t mean you have to be injured. If justice prevail, both must be punished, but OP more than the other one.

Proportionate response is a thing in the USA too. And unless he was actively threatening your wife at the time, self defense will be a hard sell. Cops did what they were supposed to do, and a jury will have to decide if you slapping that guy through a glass window was justified or criminal.

bleachedraven 14

It must have been one hell of a slap.

I'm having a hard time visualizing slapping someone so hard they slice up their face and neck with glass. Hopefully there are witnesses and/or camera footage.

Well he should be arrested too, but generally if you initiate violence in a situation like this, there's a term for that "assault and battery," and the cops were well within their right to arrest you, especially if your assault caused life-altering damage. He should be punished for vandalism, and likely assault for your wife. The fact that he pushed your wife may justify self-defense depending on state law, but you'll have to prove that in the court of law, and sell it to a jury as self defense. My advice: find a good criminal defense attorney.

I feel like the physical shove of his wife should be enough cause for self defense. He was protecting his wife from bodily harm at that point. If you do something like that then call the cops after reaping what you sow, then you are top level pussy and deserve all the shame in the world. Downvote me all you want, but you will never change my mind. Punk 100% brought that on himself. He is lucky he got an open hand slap and not a knuckle sandwich after touching someone's wife.

Warp1978 15

Get cctv and witnesses if possible he provoked you and yes you messed him up but how many other people has he done this two and gotten away with it. You're not the bad guy here I would have and have done the same.

The moment he touched your wife it was defense of a third party. Sue the police department for false arrest if they booked you.

boonej930 3

shit you should put his assin your trunk ...take him tithe woods and stick him on a tree...and left his ass there .....