Thanks, Dave

By Anonymous - 23/11/2019 14:00

Today, I opened the door to a delivery girl with a towel around my waist as I was just out of the shower. My dog was going crazy at the courier, and when she handed me the touchpad to sign for the package, my dog decided it would be a good idea to pull my towel off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 270
You deserved it 1 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jrn 14

I guess she wasn’t the only one delivering a package :p


Was the shower cold? Was there "significant shrinkage?" If your junk were average or better, this would be the beginning of a letter to Penthouse Forum.

jrn 14

I guess she wasn’t the only one delivering a package :p

bl3ur0z3 17

Which **** site did you get this from?

I'm sorry but that's an idiotic way to answer the door. ydi

Maybe you should have put on a bit more clothing or a robe, even out of the shower.

"Today some creep answered the door in just a towel when his dog yanked off the towel. Fml"

E2dav 5

Next time, wear a robe or something sheesh