By Username - 31/07/2019 00:01 - Singapore

Today, I was put in lockup for accidentally scaring the officer by lifting my hand to scratch my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 656
You deserved it 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least they didn't shoot first and ask questions later

That makes me feel safe that he's carrying a gun


Well at least they didn't shoot first and ask questions later

That makes me feel safe that he's carrying a gun

When a cop says don't move, what they really mean is..... DON'T FRIGGIN MOVE!

WeirdUS 29

I got pulled over once and they had me get out of the car and of course they were nervous about my hands in my jeans with my thumbs sticking out. When they say keep your hands where we can see them and don't move they don't take that lightly.

_SouthernClass_ 7

Wait. If you’re in lockup how do you have internet service?