By ihateteenagers - 30/12/2010 02:12 - United States

Today, a punk-looking college kid was making fun of my mentally handicapped son. Out of anger, I punched him in the face. I got handcuffed and thrown into a police car. The kid stood there laughing and pointing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 568
You deserved it 10 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMafia 0

OMG. That punk deserved more than just a punch in the face. What a lowlife. Don't worry, he'll get his retribution.


that his diserved more like a broken ARM

CrazeDblaze 0

I'm pretty shure karma is gonna make his son mentally handicap

Good for you!! If you start a defense fund I will be happy to donate.

You shouldn't make this sort of post on the Internet. It can be used as evidence against you in court. Though if there were witnesses, that's a moot point.

Illyssa_fml 4

Ahhh That sucks you got arrested. That fag deserved it!

I'd have kicked his nuts off, if you can find 'em.

tubal069 0

karma is a bitch and he'll get his soon enough!

.... that's a bunch of bs that ****** should of gotten more then that people that really piss me off karma will get him what gos around comes around

eaglesrule96 0