By whatjusthappened - 20/12/2013 08:45 - United States - Federal Way

Today, a man started a deep conversation with me at the bus stop about life, death, and the miracles of things we take for granted every day. I was really enjoying it until he looked at his watch and said, "Oh shit, mushrooms make me lose track of time!" and ran off into the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 156
You deserved it 4 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For some reason "ran off into the night" cracked me up. It just makes it seem that it was a mythic creature that you're not sure if you really saw or not


JMichael 25

It's sad that it takes drugs and alcohol to get people to see life the way it should be. Why can't it be that way all the time?

I can answer your username; you just had a conversation with a high guy. I did that before, sure was weird.

NatalieOntheTram 11

Hey, he was pretty deep and coherent for being on drugs. Shrooms guy gave you something legit to think about. My friend just talked to someone she used to hang out with while he was high and he asked her if she, "knew how to speak dog."

Being high helps him...hope it was a pleasant conversation...

In my psych class there were 4 guys who would get high on shrooms and talk about what we learned. That was the only way they studied and they all got A's.

cool? I got an "A" mark in psychology also, without the use of mind altering substances.

So did I. Our teacher marked on a curve though, only 5 A's were given.

I don't see an FML here. Just someone who, by her own admission, was enjoying a conversation until the dude ran off.

rety1 13

Well after all, spiritual enlightenment is a big part of doing those kinds of drugs.. For some people at least. In the 1950's psychologists would give things like psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, and MDMA to patients as a way to get them to more freely and vividly express their thoughts and emotions.

Enjoying life on mushrooms what could be better?