By Jessch15 - 13/01/2012 12:45 - United States

Today, a guy took me to meet his parents on a second date. I stopped answering his calls afterwards, but he's just left me a voice-mail informing me that he's in love with me. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 228
You deserved it 8 942

Jessch15 tells us more.

Im the one who posted this... to all the people calling me a bitch, there was a lot more to the story that I couldnt include in because of the text limit. We just didnt have alot in common, the more I got to know him the weirder he got and he was getting clingy very quickly. Plus his parents were freak, tried to prevent me from leaving their house at one point and freaked me out. OF COURSE I TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT. Was just trying to figure out what to say when he called and left that voicemail. Since I have talked to him and broke it off and he seemed to understand. Then he begin harrassing me via phone calls and text and today he showed up at my work. Ive had to change me phone number and co workers have told me since i left work he has been back asking for me and they had to call the cops becuase he was refusing to leave and got violent with my boss. Im not a bitch.

Top comments

You stopped answering his calls, just like that, without even telling him you weren't interested in dating him any more? Why? How do you expect him to react to that? As far as he knows, you're still interested but temporarily not near your phone.


Clamcreepy 7

I'm not creep but from what your telling me he is grade A creep material..Change your number and changing your current housing location wouldn't be hurt either

maryam8869 7

You deserved it for ignoring him. If he's not aware you don't love him back, then why do you think you keep getting missed calls and voicemails declaring his love for you? Idiot....

Sure stop seeing him, but at least give him the decency of telling him it's off. Then ignore him. My 2 cents.

You're a bitch then people complain about what happens to them. Stick up and tell him straight up you aren't interested. Shows how mature you are by just avoiding things. Dumbass

I keep seeing FML's ending with "I'm scared", either you're scared of alot of things, or it's the scary season...

Horrorfan 6

So you decided to ditch him without even dropping a note? He probably thinka you're interested, but busy or something. He's not stalking you or threatening your life. Calm down.

Mr25_fml 14

say you're moving to Switzerland. works every time

justhanging 6

If you went on two dates with the guy, at least have the decency to give him an explanation. For all he knows you might not be returning his calls because you were run over by a car and are in a coma. Whether he is weird or not, he is still a human being. He has probably paid for your dinner twice, and you really don't feel like you owe the guy a 5-minute phone call?