By Anonymous - 20/01/2016 15:32 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a customer filed a complaint against me because my coworker took too long to do a price check. I hate my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 205
You deserved it 1 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Customers always right, what a load of crap.

afkwarrior 25

Should have referred them to your coworker to get a price check on their attitude, then walked away whilst they tried to work out what that even means. sorry, op. retail is a bitch.


Alup132 22

Maybe you could talk to a higher up and get this sorted out. Well, that stinks nonetheless.

Ah, the joys of retail. I know how that goes, OP. Just remember it wasn't your fault, and that customer was an ass. FYL

Customers always right, what a load of crap.

afkwarrior 25

Should have referred them to your coworker to get a price check on their attitude, then walked away whilst they tried to work out what that even means. sorry, op. retail is a bitch.

price check is when an item doesn't have a barcode or price tag and they have to look up the price. (i believe)

Sometimes you just can't explain the stupidity of others.

I hope that complaint wasn't taken seriously. Retail work becomes worse when your manager/supervisor sides with the customer and you get in trouble for dumb things like that.

I completely agree. It sucks to have customers yell at you and stuff, but it's totally tolerable if your manager knows they're idiots and just ignores them. However if your boss believes every word they say and just gets mad or writes you up for everything the customer is mad about, than that makes the job infinity worse!

I worked in customer service for years customers are horrible. I always try to nice when I go to stores because I know they're getting paid like shit and treated like dirt. I hated my customer service jobs plus the managers were always assholes as well.

People who have worked retail/customer service are always the best customers because they get it. If the store is busy they aren't bitching about not having an item out. They try to put things back close to how they found them. I wish more people could understand.

These kinds of posts make me really glad I don't work in retail. Good luck, OP.