Thank you for your service

By Anonymous - 02/04/2022 12:00

Today, I caught my wife with my brother. I demanded a divorce and, out of desperation, she claimed she thought it was me because we’re twins. We might be twins, but we’re dissimilar enough it’s obvious which is fucking which, plus he has both hands, whereas I left one of mine behind in fucking Iraq. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 559
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe your brother pulled his hand up his sleeve to pretend to be you? While divorce will settle things with your wife, you should rain holy hell down on your brother: Tell Mom.

I’d be gone in a flash, they both suck.


Maybe your brother pulled his hand up his sleeve to pretend to be you? While divorce will settle things with your wife, you should rain holy hell down on your brother: Tell Mom.

I’d be gone in a flash, they both suck.

Baka Loli 10

If you do not divorce her, especially after such a stunt and poor excuse, I'd say YDI. But ONLY if you don't divorce her. Otherwise, I'm so freaking sorry dude.

Habacadavarus 12

I have never heard a good, or remotely amusing excuse for cheating in the face of the act itself. It's one thing to be betrayed by someone you love, infinitely worse when it's family.

bobsanction 18

Sounds like he was just lending a hand.