By wellfuckyoutoo - 24/11/2015 17:45 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, a close friend came over with her three-year-old son. The child used a crayon on the walls, flushed my money down the toilet, and threw up. My friend was seriously offended when I asked her to help me clean everything up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 736
You deserved it 1 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

A real friend would have offered to clean it up before you even asked.

I don't think I would invite her to my house again if that is how she is going to act.


Sounds like a friend that used to pushing all of her responsibility on someone else. She should not have thought twice about helping you clean up the mess I would tell her she's no longer welcome at my house

ChopSuey444 20

I recently ended a long term relationship over something similar. My friend would bring her autistic 2 year old son over and not only let him run around, but demand I take care of him. She'd tell me to hold him, carry him, change him, buy food HE liked if there was none in my house, etc. Just ridiculous behavior on her part. I personally would rather have no friends than shitty friends.

countryb_cth 38

Good job on ending the friendship. Just because her child is autistic does not mean he can get away with anything and everything. He's gunna grow up to be a very entitled brat and the only one to blame will be herself.

alanna_ann 14

I think you need to get rid of that "friend"

And that's the story of how you became ex-friends, right?

Alexthegreat475 13

Tell that ************ to leave. They should also be expected to pay you for the lost money and any damages.

tiredofwaiting 25

If she's going to bring her child to your house, you'd think that she would be more responsible and mature. Just a little.

Astrobomb 21

ydi AND fyl. A. why wasn't she watching her kid and B. how did you not see the mid do these things?