By wellfuckyoutoo - 24/11/2015 17:45 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, a close friend came over with her three-year-old son. The child used a crayon on the walls, flushed my money down the toilet, and threw up. My friend was seriously offended when I asked her to help me clean everything up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 736
You deserved it 1 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

A real friend would have offered to clean it up before you even asked.

I don't think I would invite her to my house again if that is how she is going to act.


shanny892 5

I would have told her "your paying me back for the money your kid flushed and the paint it will cost to fix my walls"

Your friend needs to get her feral child in order or be prepared to clean up after it

Offended to clean up? I think I'd ask her to pay up first.

Your friend should have cleaned everything up herself. And apologised for the throw up mess

She should have apologized for all of it

neuronerd 28

That's either the fastest 3 yr old on the planet, or else their parent wasn't watching them closely enough. My nieces are 1 and 3, and my sister wouldn't let them out of her sight long enough to cause that damage (other than throwing up. Kids are just puke machines).

hoosiergirl94 31

Some people can't discipline their kids worth a **** these days