By wellfuckyoutoo - 24/11/2015 17:45 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, a close friend came over with her three-year-old son. The child used a crayon on the walls, flushed my money down the toilet, and threw up. My friend was seriously offended when I asked her to help me clean everything up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 736
You deserved it 1 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

A real friend would have offered to clean it up before you even asked.

I don't think I would invite her to my house again if that is how she is going to act.


You shouldn't have had to ask her in the first place.

I'm guessing she's one of those parents who thinks her precious angel can do no wrong and never needs to be disciplined for anything, ever.

I wouldn't be inviting that friend over again! maybe go to a Cafe or something

leogachi 15

@59 And when she starts to wonder why you never invite her to your house anymore, kindly remind her that her kid trashed your house and she didn't care.

Wow, sorry to say but your friend sounds like a fat, lazy piece of shit and a terrible parent if she acts like that and allows her child to do that.

Actually thats a reason not to have shitty friends. The same person with a dog as a weapon would have caused about the same amount of damage.

Think your "friend" isn't really a friend. You should reconsider your friendship.

I am curious about the money aspect... She was probably thinking of a form of disciple after finding out what happened but I doubt it

At 3 children are perfectly capable to know what behavior is ok. If the child did it, means the parents don't mind.