By Anonymous - 19/03/2016 06:10 - Australia - Sydney

Today, a classmate at college accused me of stalking her. All because I walked past her house. I was walking to the supermarket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 220
You deserved it 1 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well to be honest the binoculars and you climbing out of the bushes probably didn't help either


Well to be honest the binoculars and you climbing out of the bushes probably didn't help either

She must think she has a lot of stalkers if she accuses anyone who walks past her house...

CheekyRaccoon 27

Feminazi of the 69th bitchtalion reporting in. Today I have located a male and have accused him of stalking me. Long live Tumblr.

She should get over herself, it's pathetic how delusional she is being, FYL