By Anonymous - 19/03/2016 07:29 - United States - New Orleans

Today, I was up late and heard my mother and her boyfriend come home. After a full minute of bed-creaking action, I heard him exclaim, "I did it! A new record, haha!" I can't get it out of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 865
You deserved it 1 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tomorrow it will be two minutes. And three minutes the day after. Isn't it wonderful that you get to witness such great personal accomplishments? You should congratulate him on his times each morning. Being out the stopwatch while you're at it.


Tomorrow it will be two minutes. And three minutes the day after. Isn't it wonderful that you get to witness such great personal accomplishments? You should congratulate him on his times each morning. Being out the stopwatch while you're at it.

Bad for you, but I can't feel so bad for your mom

Maybe it's time to invest in noise cancelling headphones

lexiieeex3 32

But if it's only for a minute would OP even be able to get them on in time?

I'm guessing he lasted 45 seconds this time

Maybe he's timing how fast he can get the mom to cum

Gross gross gross. The thought of this makes me cringe haha

moocowmilk0 19
Mathalamus 24

a full minute? that doesnt sound too good.