By fail - 05/12/2010 06:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of two years called me on Skype while he was taking a crap. Think it's a sign that maybe we've been dating for too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 260
You deserved it 5 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

but if he didn't call you you'd probly complain that he doesn't call you enough

perdix 29

Did he aim the camera so you could examine his productivity?


True love, if only there was such a thing as smell-o-vision


This reminds me of the time when I broke both my arms in a motorcycle accident, and I couldn't wipe my ass, so my girlfriend wiped for me. I later dumped her because she was trying to wipe it after I was healed. FTW

LOL?! you're an idiot, be glad he's comfterble with you, or else he'll be comfterble with someone else... I'm just saying.

KingDingALing 9

27- She kept trying to wipe your ass because she was wiping the used toilet paper on your sandwichs.

I'm still waiting on the advent of the Smell-o-scope so I can smell Uranus. 31, maybe wipe some of that eyeliner off your face so you can actually see what you're typing.

Danniiboii22 0

Agreed. This is in no way an indication of being together too long, but just an indication that he accepts you as being so connected with you that it doesn't matter that he's on the shitter.

luvyah 0

ummm gross? Imagine all the disgusting facial expressions!!!

get used to it. when my ex and I were dating he farted on my once and he picked his nose with my finger. guys are weird lol

but if he didn't call you you'd probly complain that he doesn't call you enough


Nope that's a sign that he had to take a shit.

lamarswilley 0
heyheywaddup 7
perdix 29

Did he aim the camera so you could examine his productivity?