This party is lit

By Tyler_Padgett - 24/05/2009 23:52 - United States

Today, I was lighting fireworks for my cousin's birthday in my grandmother's yard. When it came time to light the "Grand Finale", I read on the outside of the box, "Face this side towards crowd for the best result". After I lit it, I realized that it was on its side. I shot 100 fireworks at my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 978
You deserved it 59 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the way this is written is misleading, like you read that you were supposed to turn that side toward the audience but you turned it on its side anyway. i hope no one got hurt.


Don't lie, we all know you secretly plotted this so you could kill them.....too bad your plan backfired :P


Natradtasticx17 0

this made me laugh out LOUD. really oh wow hhahaha damn i'm scared of fireworks ;P

Bit of advice from someone who lives with a liscenced pyrotechnician (who by the way is laughing his ass off right now): The fireworks will shoot in whatever direction the tubes are pointing, so you should NEVER EVER EVER LAY A CAKE ON ITS SIDE. EVER!!! And if you don't know what you're doing, for the love of God PUT THE PUNK DOWN. You have to have a liscence to fish, but not to play with explosives? This is a silly thing to me.

GloomySkyz 0

#13 Nah, I know a lot of people who light fireworks every night, And this has happened before.

and this is why you shouldn't let idiots play with fireworks.

sayurigeisha 0
twilax101 0

#17- Thanks, Captain Obvious.

thats preety sad but i probably would have done the same thing

At least they went out with a bang! God, that was a sick pun :/