This party is lit

By Tyler_Padgett - 24/05/2009 23:52 - United States

Today, I was lighting fireworks for my cousin's birthday in my grandmother's yard. When it came time to light the "Grand Finale", I read on the outside of the box, "Face this side towards crowd for the best result". After I lit it, I realized that it was on its side. I shot 100 fireworks at my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 978
You deserved it 59 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the way this is written is misleading, like you read that you were supposed to turn that side toward the audience but you turned it on its side anyway. i hope no one got hurt.


Don't lie, we all know you secretly plotted this so you could kill them.....too bad your plan backfired :P


I actually laughed outloud. Haha good job.

jeanniner 0

holy ****. not funny at all. Fireworks are DANGEROUS. I know someone that lost a hand from fireworks. Not something to dick around with.

That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time

sockergurl916 0

i wish i could shoot fireworks at my family...

nofyourlife 0

this is a prime example of why operating fireworks without a license is illegal in many states. i'm sure there are a lot of smart people who could light them safely but they are outweighed by people who do stuff like this...

LMMFAO!!! Wow, you're dumb and shouldn't be allowed to play with fireworks...ever! Hell, I can't follow instructions too well either, so when something seems like it can't be that safe, I let someone else do it, duh.

BulldogQB4 0

You're an idiot. Probably why fireworks are illegal. "Face towards crowd" "DURRRR THIS MUST MEAN POINT IT AT THEM"

Agree with #45. How could you not tell that the tubes were pointed at the audience? You should be in prison right now.

and this is exactly why fireworks are illegal in so many places because of people like you