This ain't working out

By just a reaction - 17/08/2020 23:09

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a heated argument. He raised his hand like he was going to hit me. Having been hit by my ex before, I panicked and instinctively kicked his legs out from under him. He then dumped me because he said he was just gonna scare me, but I used real violence on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 028
You deserved it 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he knew what you went through and still did this, he deserved it and more.

He should have not tried to scare you with violence on the first place though.


Mooglefox 23

None of your fault, all of his.

Don't stay with him. You deserve a relationship free from violence. if he threatens now, will he carry through when really mad? Do NOT find out. He doesn't understand what you have been through and doesn't deserve anyone if he even acts like that.

why would anyone do that trying to scare someone? it makes no sense! I wouldn't believe for a second it was a scare tactic and would say the real reason he dumped you is because you won the fight

You are better off with out him if he thinks “just trying to scare you” should even be a thing. What a complete asshat!

Trying to scare someone with physical violence is emotional abuse. This man may not have hit you like your ex, but abused you just as much. You’re better off without either of them. Stay safe, stay strong.

thatkorean 5

Should’ve given him worse! That’s absolutely disgusting that he wanted to “scare you”. Especially if he knows about your past! I’d say you dodged a huge ******* bullet. I’ve been abused and flitch at time even now that it’s six years later. The right one for you would NEVER use your past against you.

Joe Trick 7

I scare my girlfriend I just lay on the the floor while she’s got me pinned then I’m like boo it’s funny

fluffnugget 4

Good riddance!!! He never should have raised his hand to you in the first place. Doesn't matter if he intended to hit you or not. That's not what a real man does🤬. He's just mad he got a taste of his own medicine.

Not all abuse is physical - some is emotional/psychological. By raising his hand to "scare" you, it gives the implication that he intends to harm you. Given your past, I totally understand why you did what you did. And if he knew about your past and still did this, I say you should have aimed for his nuts rather than kicking his legs out from under him.