The road to Hell is paved with good intentions

By Anonymous - 22/04/2017 23:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my best female friend got dumped. Seeing how I was alone when I got dumped, I didn't want her to feel the same, so I was nice to her and tried to help her as much as I could. I've now been getting constant messages from our mutual friends, telling me to stop hitting on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 984
You deserved it 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cloudking 5

I think telling your mutual friends to "shut the **** up" is acceptable here

Druu 53

Come on, man. We both know you're not supposed to offer to help her get off.


Druu 53

Come on, man. We both know you're not supposed to offer to help her get off.

cloudking 5

I think telling your mutual friends to "shut the **** up" is acceptable here

I can see where they may have thought offering her a massage at your place was hitting on her, but I know it was purely platonic

Well it seems now I now have feelings for my bestfriend who is a woman. FML

neptune997 4

Just don't stay in the "friend zone" too long.

Ignore them. She's really lucky to have a good friend like you

Part if me says, Man! I have many lesbian friends! the other part says, I've been with a few of those friends. life's a tightrope.

Do you think she might have said something to them about it? If so, I'd say it's worth bringing it up with your friend and telling her where you're coming from in case she's misunderstanding. God knows when you're going through a break up your mind isn't necessarily working at full speed, and I'm sure if she's mistaking your kindness for opportunism she'll appreciate knowing she's wrong and that she can lean on you without fearing her vulnerability could be used against her. And if it's still an issue, then take solace in knowing you tried, that you were thoughtful and did your best to be a good friend.

That's what I thought. She must have said something, how would everyone else know otherwise.

She was probably unsure of his intention and the friends jumped to conclusions. After being dumped I'd have thought that was more likely as her emotions would be all over the place. that's how I felt when I came out of a relationship anyway