The price of love

By Anonymous - 27/10/2019 20:00

Today, same-sex marriage is finally legal in my country. However, it's taken so long since I got engaged that our perfect wedding venue has gone out of business, and everywhere else is at least three times the price. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 781
You deserved it 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh, I know, overpriced weddings are disgusting!

Sarah Yamabo 15

As sad as that might be, at the end of the day; the location will not matter once you’re standing there, facing the love of your life, and saying your I dos :) Congrqtz on love conquering after all!


Sarah Yamabo 15

As sad as that might be, at the end of the day; the location will not matter once you’re standing there, facing the love of your life, and saying your I dos :) Congrqtz on love conquering after all!

If it was me I would have said we don’t need a marriage license/piece of paper to telling me I’m married. I would have had the party at the venue, invited family and friends and had a great time. Then if/when same sex marriage becomes legal we go get married.

As others have stated it is a bummer but wherever you get married, if it's to the one you love you'll get over and find another location. When I got married (on April fool's 2014 😀) we decided ON THAT day we wanted to get married. We called our Rabbi and a friend of our to see if they were free in a few hours. We went to a park and got married under a tree 😆 Took them out to dinner at our favourite Indian restaurant afterwards to say thank you. We didn't even take pictures! (we forgot in the moment lol). Would not change ONE bit of it. 😍❤️ We wish you a long and happy marriage!

E2dav 5

You wont even remember the location in future - the only details that will stick in your mind are that you married the person you love & which guests got trashy drunk and embarrassed themselves

SpiritWolf9000 5

all those you deserved it people are homophobic

Suaria 38

India doesn't allow same sex marriage. OP is probably from Northern Ireland which just legalized same sex marriage.