The long game

By Lost - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got rejected for approximately the tenth credit card I've applied for, so I called a bank to find out why. Apparently I took out a car loan in 2004 and bought a house in 2006. I was 13 in 2004. The credit report does not have any records of this. Thank you identity theft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 120
You deserved it 2 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know how it works in New York, but here each rejection costs you credit points, so you haven't been doing yourself any favours by applying so often. Then again, Identity Theft sucks, FYL

LadyKaya 0

Well, I'm sure if you tell them your age and prove it, they'll fix it...but hey, that still sucks.


*sings* F-R-E-E that spells free, credit report dot com bay-bee!

Jincos 0

And since bankers loan car funds to a guy with a girls name. I doubt this happened.

There was no mention of it being a guy that stole the OP's identity. Are girls incapable of stealing someone's identity?

ttownbeast 0

A lot of parents used to pull that shit on their kids all the time when they ****** up their own I bet some of the fraudulent credit info has your parents all over it.

that really dose suck. if you can get ahol of the loan companoes and proovr that that is your social secutity number and sent them a cop of your birtj certificate they have to remove it all. my friends mom used her ss number for a lot of shot like that. put her in over 400,000 of debt before she was 16. he is mow 22 and juat findont out about it. she has had a lot of ot fixrd tho. good luck!!!

I agree with ttownbeast... when you're that young, most likely your parents had a hold of your social and anything else of importance that would be needed for something as big as buying a house and car. This also means that whoever used your information sucked at making payments, because if they were on time with their (your) mortgage and car payment, it actually should have improved your credit score, which would have had credit card companies foaming at the mouth to approve you. ...but then again, since it was under your name and not theirs, making timely payments probably wasn't very high on their list of priorities...

tell your parents that they are going to pay for all of your stuff for getting your information stolen and find the house and burn it

After three attemps to get a credit card, most companies will turn you down simply for that reason. It is kind of like getting locked out of your email account after getting the password wrong three times. They figure that if you have tried more than three times, then that must be the wrong person applying, so they deny you.

If a lender denies you credit because of what's on your credit report, the lender is supposed to provide you a copy of that credit report for free. You can then challenge items that don't belong. Also, by law, you're entitled to one free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union) every year. Take advantage of that. Not only will it alert you to identity theft but it will also alert you to things that are just plain mistakes. oh, and the site for that is, not that site with a catchy jingle you might see TV commercials for. See for more info.

oh yeah, and I'd get started on straightening this out posthaste. good luck with it, this is a crummy situation to be in.

Jincos 0

Troggy, I'm insuming. People don't loan big money unless they look it over.