The long game

By Lost - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got rejected for approximately the tenth credit card I've applied for, so I called a bank to find out why. Apparently I took out a car loan in 2004 and bought a house in 2006. I was 13 in 2004. The credit report does not have any records of this. Thank you identity theft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 120
You deserved it 2 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know how it works in New York, but here each rejection costs you credit points, so you haven't been doing yourself any favours by applying so often. Then again, Identity Theft sucks, FYL

LadyKaya 0

Well, I'm sure if you tell them your age and prove it, they'll fix it...but hey, that still sucks.


CountDuk 5

What the hell kind of 13 year old even has a credit card?? He is saying that when he was 13, in 2004, someone bought a house using his credit card. I never had a credit card till I was 18.

perstephane 4

OP said someone took out a car loan in their name when they were 13. They are now 18 and trying to apply for credit cards. They did not have a credit card at 13.

yo_mammma 0

omg, parents steal there kids identity theft all the time. its not impossible. they d it for kids way younger than 13. you people are ll idiots, im sorry

If it's not on your credit report, then how did the bank know about it? Something smells fishy!

hairytoenails 0

Besker (#26) i am sorry that you actually feel a need to tell me to drink bleach and die in a hole. i never imagined there was actually a person in the world with such loser qualities that they feel a need to pay attention to every comment, then comment on that comment. does this make you a fan of me? oh ya.... YDI FOR BREATHING!

Easy remedy. File a dispute, you'll be fine. My parents abused my credit when I was under age. I filed a dispute and the questionable entries were removed.

this just happened to my sister, she just turned 18 and we went to open a checking account and she was denied. we did some research and turns out she bought a house when she was 8 in cali even though we live in CO. the part that sucks is that u have to do all the leg work and research to give to a fraud investigator! good luck

YDI for not questioning why your *first* CC was rejected. It takes you ten goes to question it?

OMG are you people ridiculous or what? ANYONE can have their identity stolen at ANY age. People can do lots of crazy things with computers and the internet these days, get a copy of a 13 year old's SS# and their birth certificate, then change the tiny details to fit their needs, hence stealing that person's clean identity. And no, getting your identity stolen is not easy to get back. Your credit will be ruined for a long time, unfortunately the law has not caught up to "helping the little guy" get their life back. Sorry FYL.

# 42 FYI... not everyone can get a credit card as soon as they turn 18, it is normal to get rejected a few times before you get your first card, as you have no credit. I'm sure the "ten credit cards" was a bit of an exaggeration by the OP.

The 10 may NOT have been an exaggeration, due to the fact that they have bad credit now due to the stolen identity.