The long game

By Lost - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got rejected for approximately the tenth credit card I've applied for, so I called a bank to find out why. Apparently I took out a car loan in 2004 and bought a house in 2006. I was 13 in 2004. The credit report does not have any records of this. Thank you identity theft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 120
You deserved it 2 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know how it works in New York, but here each rejection costs you credit points, so you haven't been doing yourself any favours by applying so often. Then again, Identity Theft sucks, FYL

LadyKaya 0

Well, I'm sure if you tell them your age and prove it, they'll fix it...but hey, that still sucks.


YEAH sooo you own a house and a car...kinda cool... you can take possession ...Can't you. After all you are you. There are lenders out there who will actually help people by doctoring the papers...

I'm calling bullshit. You need too much stuff to prove you are who you are to buy a home. I had to have 2 months of bank statements, tax returns, and my last two pay stubs before they would even draw up the paperwork. How do I know? I just bought a house. In fact I probably had an easier time since I went through my bank, who I had business with for the last 9 years.

Tighthead420 0

This is easy to fix. A 13 year old cannot legally enter into any contract. Therefore you could not have taken out those loans. You could not even legally apply for them without a co-signer (IE parents/legal guardian). Piece o' cake!

this happened to my bf. not so bad but it sucks.... also it was his uncle that credit frauded him

DUDES. The OP just said she was applying for a credit card, aka she didn't have one before. So stop bitching that she's too young to have a credit card cos she obviously DOESN'T and never did. Go ahead and flame this comment cos I know someone will. (: #78, I like your thinking! But sadly, identity theft is tough as shit to prove. I almost had my bank account hacked but it stopped when I noticed a weird deposit and immediate withdrawal of 1.45$ & called the bank as soon as I caught it. OP, honestly you should've kept a closer eye on your account & wondered wtf was going on after the first rejection.. that's why you should keep all your receipts and put them in a ledger so you know where your money's going. That way, if there's something in there you didn't put down then you have a case. Seriously, FYL.

I don't think 18 is too young to have a credit card! Credit cards are good for building credit so in a few years he can buy a car, house or whatever. If he has a limit of 500 dollars then he can spend 500 on the card, pay it off and he will have some credit built up!

Scream fake all you want, but if s/he lives in Canada, then I believe it. Identity theft is a growing concern here... the problem is that it's easy to steal childrens identity, people come here, search our records (why they don't hide that stuff is beyond me) find a child who's parents have already gotten their social insurance card for, and use a fake card with that number on it. they don't even need to say their you, just have a valid number that doesn't show it's in use yet, and wham, they've ruined some poor childs life... normally these things are handled as they surface, things get cleared up, but every once in a while one slips by and turns someones bright future into a nightmare of court cases trying to prove that they are themselves. what does the government and banks say? children don't need their social insurance until their on their own, don't even apply for one until then... why none of the morons have clued into just making it impossible for a child to get it is beyond me a well... they may be making money off those court cases and are using it as a ploy... either way it's a nuisance that has yet to be dealt with.

ghostgirll 0

that's why they have the gender and country/state written under the FML. she is a woman that lives in new york. so that whole speech was for nothing lol

If you have homeowners insurance give them a call. Some companies now incoude identity theft potection as part of the standard policy. If you have the coverage then they will guide you through the process of getting your identity cleared and cover the expenses. Check at work too. Some employers offer it as a benefit. Either way, good luck. Its a lot of work.