The long game

By Lost - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got rejected for approximately the tenth credit card I've applied for, so I called a bank to find out why. Apparently I took out a car loan in 2004 and bought a house in 2006. I was 13 in 2004. The credit report does not have any records of this. Thank you identity theft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 120
You deserved it 2 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know how it works in New York, but here each rejection costs you credit points, so you haven't been doing yourself any favours by applying so often. Then again, Identity Theft sucks, FYL

LadyKaya 0

Well, I'm sure if you tell them your age and prove it, they'll fix it...but hey, that still sucks.


jesus, they seem like they are kind of at fault there....what 13 year old can buy a house or car???!!! and you don't need a credit card....they are bad mkay? take a secured loan through your a new bank that's will build your credit and it's pretty hard to f-up.... And you know what sucks, I got my dad to co-sign for my power to be turned on...he has had perfect credit with them for 19 years, they say its not good they check his credit outside of them, he had just bought a car and checking his credit for the car lowered it and I still had to pay 200 dollars. gay.

An 18 year old doesnt need a creditcard anyhow

Ah another error by fatehatesme but it seems this time he hasn't noticed it... He implies an 18 year old has no reason for a credit card? Ha! My parents encouraged me to get a credit card at around that age, since then I have been buying things with it and paying the money back off immediately when I get home to build up credit. Secondly even this reason for having a credit card aside, credit cards are useful - and not just for buying cars and houses as FHM implies. Here's a couple of things I used a credit card for recently: - Ordered a hard-to-find book from fishpond - Ordered special asthma supplies - Advance-booked my mum a ticket for a really good seat at the opera for her birthday - Booked plane tickets Several of these would have been more time consuming and expensive without a credit card... Its almost like they do actually seem to be useful!?!?!?! What's up with that?!?! I love the way FML takes great pleasure in victimising even the posters whose FML's are not their fault o_o "Ha ha ha, the OP was sitting in class at school and was injured in a school shooting by a kid they'd never even met before, well its the OP's fault because if she hadn't been a little **** and worn a RED JUMPER that day then she wouldn't have stood out more than the other kids (because humans and birds have a tendancy to fixate on red objects!) so YDI"

To all you idiots saying an 18 year old doesn't need a credit card; 1. You can build up credit by starting early with one and immediately paying it back 2. I have met 50 year old idiots who can't handle their finances properly, on the other hand by the end of this year I will have enough money to straight out buy a HOUSE. And I'm under 25. 3. You really DO need a credit card unless you want to spend a great deal of bother doing ordinary things like booking tickets online, or ordering items you can't get in your local store. Probably a lot of you are all too old to realize that now days paying by mail order is really uncommon and a lot of companies don't accept it any more. 4. Finally, you seem to be under the impression that an 18 year old is too young to be buying big things with a credit card. The fact that you aren't aware that people buy small things on credit cards over a period of years to build up good credit implies to me that you are monumentally ignorant and probably shouldn't be making judgments on the OP. Not to mention the fact that she is a victim here, and that she certainly could not have prevented this situation. "OH MAN THE OPS HOUSE GOT BURGLED WHEN SHE WENT AWAY EVEN THOUGH SHE ASKED HER FRIEND TO COLLECT HER MAIL SO IT DIDN'T LOOK SUSPICIOUS, MADE SURE TO SECURELY LOCK THE PLACE, AND HAD A BURGLAR ALARM... WELL ITS HER FAULT FOR GOING OUTSIDE, LITTLE BITCH SHOULD HAVE BEEN INSIDE CLEANING ANYWAY NOT VISITING HER GODDAMN PARENTS" ^ FML style logic & sympathy... Sadly not exaggerated

iBiteRoses 22

Paragraphs on FML comments = tl;dr

martic835 2

OP I feel your pain. Apparently when I was 12 I worked at a convolescent home.

HunterAlpha1 8

3. you actually don't need a credit card to buy stuff online, i use a debit card which acts just like a credit card, except there is zero chance of going into debt because it will only let you spend as much money as you have in your checking account.

well find the person and take what is yours. after all it was you legally

People are dumb thinking 18 is too young for a Credit Card. One of the huge factors for your credit rating is average age of your overall accounts. It takes 9 years for it to get to get a top "grade" towards your score. Plus, it helps teach you how to manage your money and bills properly at the perfect age. It is difficult to get your first one but a bit of research into how to get one without prior credit history should have been done as well. Then maybe you would have seen your score and realized what happened before destroying it further with so many credit inquiries (which take a few years to clear from your report). Either way it sucks and there is nothing you could have done to prevent it to begin with. Hope it has improved over the years OP. P.S. Those who say use a debit instead of credit card, good luck buying a new car or home with that debit card :P

jaegerbritish 7

I think that might've actually been your mom or dad. People will take out loans and buy homes and cars in their names screwing them over later in life when the child tries to buy a home or car or take out a loan...that sucks tho

It sounds like it might have been your mom.

ask your parents if they did it. mine did it to me