The Hulk

By anonymous - 03/05/2020 05:00

Today, I found out that my $1000 anger management course had no effect on me when I smashed a picture frame. Why? I had run out of toothpaste. FML
I agree, your life sucks 682
You deserved it 1 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's still going to take time and a lot of work, it's never going to be as easy as taking a class. dont get discouraged or give up, things like this aren't easy but they are worth the work

thatkorean 5

Courses are meant to give you the tools to help you manage it. If you don’t reflect and use those tools no course (no matter how expensive it may be) will work. It’s not a like it helps your anger magically disappear. You really have to continuously work at it and keep figuring out what triggers it. If running out of toothpaste is a trigger rn maybe get a few tubes have one to use and another one in stock just in case.


I don't think you did it -- you were.... ...wait on it... ... framed.

it's still going to take time and a lot of work, it's never going to be as easy as taking a class. dont get discouraged or give up, things like this aren't easy but they are worth the work

Please keep on trying to learn how to manage it, you could hurt someone you love one day.

thatkorean 5

Courses are meant to give you the tools to help you manage it. If you don’t reflect and use those tools no course (no matter how expensive it may be) will work. It’s not a like it helps your anger magically disappear. You really have to continuously work at it and keep figuring out what triggers it. If running out of toothpaste is a trigger rn maybe get a few tubes have one to use and another one in stock just in case.

Matthew Irmen 11

You can take a course but it’s not mandatory to learn

MN_girl21 7

If you aren’t seeing a therapist it may help to have one. I don’t have anger issues but have anxiety and depression. Even with medication it helps to still have a therapist to see, I’m sure it would be useful to have someone one on one to work with and listen to you and help you come up with your own plan to deal with triggers vs just a class.

BoulderDashTank19141 6

I’m not going to put YDI. Why? Because you are actively trying to fix your anger issues. It just doesn’t seem to be working.