
By Jennifer Sara Harms - 01/02/2021 05:01 - Canada

Today, I was so stressed out from my ex harassing me that I took a chewable pill that’s made for anxiety and it broke my tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 884
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a restraining order and block him from any form of contact

Sure sure but that doesn't always work. It sound's to me like 2 ppl with anxiety issues. What if this can be solved better by talking it through at a distance?


Get a restraining order and block him from any form of contact

Sure sure but that doesn't always work. It sound's to me like 2 ppl with anxiety issues. What if this can be solved better by talking it through at a distance?

Ok ppl we don't know the whole story. All I know is that ppl with anxiety issues ten over react even a small issue can seem like something big. No offence intended, but perhaps this is one of those times? Jumping to the worst case isn't always the best solution. Sure if your ex is abusive or something go do what u can to get rid of them. But if this is one of those time your anxiety got the better of u making a small thing worse then I think solving it at a distance would work for u.