That shit adds up

By melikeyturtles - 03/07/2012 15:08 - United States - Chicago

Today, I found out my home health patient purposely drinks tons of prune juice every night so I will have a huge mess to clean up in the morning because I'm "a lazy bastard" and I "need to work harder." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 192
You deserved it 2 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TonyGoCapitals 0

Wow what an asshole no prune intended

Put Viagra in that prune juice and see who's laughing.


Wow, some people really can't appreciate what others do for them can't they? :/ Maybe you can report that if you have evidence so you don't have to care for him anymore?

alohalili 0

-66. I couldn't stop laughing at your comment lol:)

In my job when ever my workers are " being lazy" I joke around with them by telling them " get back to work wetbacks!" So GET BACK TO WORK WETBACK lol

Time to start sneaking some immodium into his meals.

william8691 10

I'd make em sit in it. Pretty sure he wouldn't do it again.

flutter4 7

I used to do home health but I have a weak stomach and I couldn't handle a lot of the gross stuff

mau5_17 0

Take away his prune juice and replace it with something nasty >:} (nothing poisonus lol)

rayofsunahine25 4

half my home health patients are crazy bastards too

In all fairness, when you are stuck in your home cause your body has turned against you, not much else to do then figure out how to spread the misery. I think this is how evil geniuses are made. Or batman villains.