That shit adds up

By melikeyturtles - 03/07/2012 15:08 - United States - Chicago

Today, I found out my home health patient purposely drinks tons of prune juice every night so I will have a huge mess to clean up in the morning because I'm "a lazy bastard" and I "need to work harder." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 192
You deserved it 2 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TonyGoCapitals 0

Wow what an asshole no prune intended

Put Viagra in that prune juice and see who's laughing.


Don't make the same mistake that I did! Run while you can. The lynch mob is coming after your comment.

KiddNYC1O 20

You can run but you can't hide. Everyone's gotten raped or lynched on here.

I think she was asking for it. Now i just want to be a troll and post unoriginal comments just to piss the FML community. Or I shall do something useful with my time? Hmmm

Spike him with imodium and make him constipated.

Good idea, but I think that would only make the patient tell OP to "get off her ass and find the prune juice".

YDI for being a home health helper. Wiping asses for money...

Well, it's better to have a job that "wipes asses for money" than to be unemployed.

perdix 29

I don't charge. I just do it for the ***** and giggles.

Herculesninja27 5

Well you know what they say when you gotta go you gotta go.... But with all that juice it must be some hardcore wiping...

totheforest84 4

Call in "I quit" one morning and let his ungrateful ass roll around in it for a day.

Michael_92 20

You need to work harder? That's just uncool. ALL the people I know in the medical field work very hard for their money. It is IMO one of the hardest set of jobs out there.

EpicFail1520 16

That's about the time I get a new job...

msjoyfull84 0