Testing, testing, 1-2, 1-2

By Decisions6 - 16/04/2020 05:00 - Denmark - Aarhus

Today, my therapist made me take a test to see what level my depression was at. There was a whole bunch of questions with multiple answers to choose from. One question was, "Do you find it harder to make decisions?" I couldn't decide which answer to pick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 557
You deserved it 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So then wouldn't the answer just be "yes"?...

Seems like you couldn't decide which FML to reply to either, Richard, so you used a dartboard.... ;-)


I was trying to decide whether to comment, "Sounds like a shitty situation" or "I hope you mean EX-boyfriend" But I couldn't!

Seems like you couldn't decide which FML to reply to either, Richard, so you used a dartboard.... ;-)

Ladies and gentlemen, Chidi Anagonye lives again!

So then wouldn't the answer just be "yes"?...

always, somewhat, never. sometimes they throw other options there as well. I'd be teetering between sometimes and always

ojoRojo 27

Therein lies the answer! Decisions suck, at least I can decide on that haha

RomeoJackson 8

I had the same problem. "why are you depressed?" Bitch, everyone else had millions of dollars.. surgeries to look better.. great cars and houses.. they got to see their family.. why do you think im depressed.. I make as much as a crack head and I been to school for almost 8 years.

EmDizzle2007 28

I think you missed the point of the test.

this totally hit home for me. I feel that ❤

CharlieDiesel159391 3

yup i know that one! and if no one jumps in to pick for me or change the subject i start to hyperventilate!