Thanks mom, you're the best

By prego - 30/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, I called my mom into my room to ask her to bring me something. She referred to me as a "lazy fat slug." I'm 38 weeks pregnant and was put on emergency bedrest by my doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 844
You deserved it 4 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom's rude! She definitely shouldn't say that to you!

laurisshnazzy 0

Or her mother could have been at her house because she was placed on bedrest and needs someone to take care of her. Good lord, people.


lol #22 & #30: My mom was 4 weeks late with me. The doctor didn't want to induce either. hehe

xlaurenxashleyx 0

It could be worse. Maybe your mom has had it with you. Because your only telling half of the story. But I know being pregnant gives you mood swings, I been there. Maybe you need to cut her some slack, she hasn't given up on you. I was agree with #22 you should be in a hospital, so the doctors can make sure everything is going alright.

YDI for counting weeks! Seriously what is it with women and saying 38 weeks instead of nine and half months. J/K about the YDI, sounds like you have a very selfish mom there, unless you have abused your situation.

bleedingglitter 24

Because the baby goes through specific changes in specific weeks. You have to know which week you are on especially if you end up in the ER or something. It's not said to be annoying it's said to be accurate.

#36- women talk in weeks because that is how the babys growth is measured....... ya know, by medical doctors?

mj2123 0

#25 - That has to be the stupidest response I've seen on this thread. So many assumptions! She lives at home...she was overweight before getting preggers...her mom is footing all the bills...the baby is illegitimate. Judgmental much? And it's extremely common for first pregnancies to go past term. I was several weeks late and the doctor didn't induce. It makes sense she'd be on bed rest at that point.

but this isn't even past term. I wish I saw that gem of a comment though

#36 Doctors refer to the pregnancy in weeks. Because different things happen at different weeks. What is it with you being an ignorant fool?

#25 is just smarter than everyone else. He knows things without even the slightest indication of their validity. He just KNOWS.

9 months is about 39 weeks, and pregnancies normally last about 38. You guys forgot that a month is a bit more than 4 weeks.

I agree with #8. Your mom probably said you're a 'lazy fat ****' not 'lazy fat slug'. Why would she call you a slug? But she would call you a **** because you're most likely a teenager, living at home, about to pop a baby out, and your mom is probably at her wits end! Just my opinion.

I don't really see how someone could deserve this. I've known several women who had problems during pregnancy where they were put on bed rest. When a doctor puts a pregnant woman on bedrest, you are not supposed to leave the bed for any circumstances. You are not allowed to go to the kitchen for a snack. You are not supposed to tidy up a bit. You are not even supposed to take a shower. So for the commenters to say that the OP is lazy, you should just be quiet and stop jumping to conclusions.