By eugh - 07/05/2021 14:01 - United States - Midlothian

Today, I discovered the brand of condoms my parents use. It was in the same grocery bag as my food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 771
You deserved it 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg my parents have sex! How old are you? Do you think the condoms will infect your food:or something?

Why are people always so horrified that their parents have sex? It's ridiculous. I'd rather have parents that like each other than parents who fight and don't get along.


Well your parents want you to have a good time.

Better than dirty diapers and getting woken up at 3am!

Omg my parents have sex! How old are you? Do you think the condoms will infect your food:or something?

Why are people always so horrified that their parents have sex? It's ridiculous. I'd rather have parents that like each other than parents who fight and don't get along.

Your parents still have a loving and healthy partnership. Be glad of that and get over yourself.

yes, your parents have sex. that's probably how you were born. someday you will have sex too. it's just a box, grow up.

Do you expect your parents to pack their fresh, unwrapped condoms in a different bag to ‘your’ food? Hate to see you deal with an actual crisis

at least you didn't find a tube of astroglide and a **** ring while looking for change for the ice cream man when you were 13

KingAdrock 16

Oh grow up FFS. Sealed condoms in a box are not doing anything to your food. You already knew your parents have sex, because you exist. Get over it.