Protect the child at all cost

By Anonymous - 26/12/2022 03:00

Today, carrying my 10-month old niece down the stairs, I missed a step. Protecting her on the way down, I badly sprained my right foot and snapped the ligament in my left. I now can’t walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 151
You deserved it 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry that happened to you. I'm happy you protected your niece. Take your time and be more cautious.

Kudos for protecting your niece! Best wishes as you recover from your injuries; I hear strains and ligament tears can take time to heal.


Yeah, but you've got a helluva a story to tell her for the rest of her life. The guilt trips you can send her on will doubtlessly be profitable for you.

Sorry that happened to you. I'm happy you protected your niece. Take your time and be more cautious.

Kudos for protecting your niece! Best wishes as you recover from your injuries; I hear strains and ligament tears can take time to heal.

Battousai124 7

Good job, better your feet than her head

indiemusicnerdgirl 20

Oh I'm so sorry I've done both while not at the same time they're still painful. Great job on protecting your niece! You definitely thought of her first which is awesome. I hope you heal well and as quickly as you can.