Thanks, I'm cured

By Anonymous - 21/10/2009 22:35 - United States

Today, I went to my academic counselor to help me deal with my stress and anxiety, which has been making me nauseous from the constant strain. She suggested exercise to help these feelings. Every time I do so, I vomit. From the anxiety and stress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 090
You deserved it 5 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you absolutely MUST speak to a proper therapist. from the sounds of things your anxiety and worries have gone beyond the point of your academic counsellor being able to help. get help, and pronto.

fringle 0

there sure do seem to be a lot of fmls about throwing up lately.


hay guess every time i exercise i vomit, what should i do!1/!??2!1 stop exercising.

I totally understand this. I went through the same thing when I was stressed out. You have to go see your doctor so they can do an upper GI test. You probably have acid reflux, which would cause nausea. Acid reflux is aggrevated by exercise which would make you vomit. You might also have a stomach hernia or an ulcer. But just take some tums, or an over the counter medicine for heart burn like zantac or prevacid. But, really I feel your pain on this. People don't get how much this sucks!

That sounds pretty similar to what was happening with me a couple months ago. One thing you can try to help with the anxiety is picture in your head your 'special' place. Whenever you're feeling particularly anxious, just take a few deep breaths, count down from 8 in your head, and once you get to 0, picture scenery that makes you happy. It sounds weird, but with some practice it works wonders. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work right away!

I call fake. I sae this exact same fml, worded the same way, with the same words, a couple of days ago.

So wut do u think u should stop doing?

Goddamn i Know if i ever met this person i would hate them for sure. Its people like this that are turning westerners into the weakest people of all time

shttfukep 0

really, I'm crying my eyes out for you right now. just kill yourself, please. it will make my life a hell of a lot easier to get rid of annoying whiny pieces of shit like you