Thanks, I'm cured

By Anonymous - 21/10/2009 22:35 - United States

Today, I went to my academic counselor to help me deal with my stress and anxiety, which has been making me nauseous from the constant strain. She suggested exercise to help these feelings. Every time I do so, I vomit. From the anxiety and stress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 090
You deserved it 5 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you absolutely MUST speak to a proper therapist. from the sounds of things your anxiety and worries have gone beyond the point of your academic counsellor being able to help. get help, and pronto.

fringle 0

there sure do seem to be a lot of fmls about throwing up lately.


ozymandias_fml 0

I suggest an even simpler solution: Grow the fark up.

They don't necessarily have to fat and ugly...could be academic stress, or any other kind really. :/

thekillercure21 0

Exercise raises endorphins which will ease anxiety and stress. So either you're lying for attention, or you're so out of shape that a little jog on the treadmill makes you throw up.

EveryDayJackAss 0

....the answer is.......COOKIES!

Go see a hypnotherapist. They can help you treat the internal anxiety and that way the physical symptoms will go away slowly. :)

Do you also worry about the sky falling on your head & falling off the earth as it rotates? I agree that you have a "condition", but ultimately, its up to you to GROW UP out of them.. & yes, FYL

fatalkiss 0

not to be a grammar nazi but naseous means you make people want to throw up. the word you're looking for is nauseated. lol

I was gonna call you a prick but I realized you look rlly hot..... So how you doin** ** Joey Tribyanie Accent(did I spell that right?)

#85, I was just gonna say that lol OP, stop being a ******* pussy and deal with ur shit, there's people out there with REAL problems. you are in college, you can't be doing too bad now can you?

I have the exact same problem. you just gotta relax and not stress about every little detail. working hard helps but stressing doesn't. theirs a difference. good luck:)