Thanks, I'm cured

By Anonymous - 21/10/2009 22:35 - United States

Today, I went to my academic counselor to help me deal with my stress and anxiety, which has been making me nauseous from the constant strain. She suggested exercise to help these feelings. Every time I do so, I vomit. From the anxiety and stress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 090
You deserved it 5 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you absolutely MUST speak to a proper therapist. from the sounds of things your anxiety and worries have gone beyond the point of your academic counsellor being able to help. get help, and pronto.

fringle 0

there sure do seem to be a lot of fmls about throwing up lately.


You vomit cause you're fat. Fatty McFatterson is fat. Stop bitching, put down the bog mac and go work out, fatty.


what the ****?? you cant just call people fat, thats not right!!! And who says they eat BIG MACS. and skinny people like me eat big macs too. So stfu.

fringle 0

there sure do seem to be a lot of fmls about throwing up lately.

This sounds more like an anxiety disorder, which isn't something you should be going to your academic counselor for. Go to your schools counseling center or health center and they should be able to determine the proper course of action to help you get better. Exercising can help but if it's making things worse you need find a different path to take. I've had an anxiety disorder my whole life, so I know it's not fun. I hope things start looking up soon.

try yoga and going for hikes if possible

star_ver 0

Why would you see your academic adviser about something like that? Are you brain damaged as well?

I don't understand why most people on here are so mean..although I think this isn't something to be posted on FML. Anyway I go through the same thing when I'm overly stressed. I definitely recommend seeing a doctor but it took me a few visits before they really helped..find something calm to do to help ease your mind a bit :) I feel for you though, because of that problem I get nauseous and throw up easily.