Thanks, I'm cured

By Anonymous - 21/10/2009 22:35 - United States

Today, I went to my academic counselor to help me deal with my stress and anxiety, which has been making me nauseous from the constant strain. She suggested exercise to help these feelings. Every time I do so, I vomit. From the anxiety and stress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 090
You deserved it 5 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you absolutely MUST speak to a proper therapist. from the sounds of things your anxiety and worries have gone beyond the point of your academic counsellor being able to help. get help, and pronto.

fringle 0

there sure do seem to be a lot of fmls about throwing up lately.


I know how you feel! You want to do so well that when you mess up in any kind of way you beat yourself up over it . I have had 6 different panic attacks while in class during tests because of this, and i take all classes in either AP or academic

There is a problem with society these days. This person obviously has a depression/anxiety disorder and although shouldn't be posted on this site, they don't need comments like 'go kill yourself' or you are 'weak'. No wonder there is so many suicides going on. Go get some proper help OP!

What is wrong with you people. Our generation might not be perfect (I'm talking about us 20 something's).You're generation isn't perfect either. That type of ignorance towards mental health issues is exactly what's effecting the military and going rancid through hospitals. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not a real problem. It's time for your generation to grow up a bit and not be so ignorant and hateful towards everybody else.

Maybe it's different for everyone, but I like to run to let out all of my stress. I feel so relaxed afterwords. Or sex/masturbation. That'll help you relax ;) haha

abbas07 20