Are you a wizard?

By elaine - 02/02/2021 21:01 - United States - Denver

Today, I tried to prove a point to my six-year-old son who refuses to drink water from the kitchen sink in favor of from the bathroom faucet. I filled up two cups, one with the kitchen water and another with the bathroom water, thinking he wouldn’t tell the difference. He gagged on the kitchen water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 362
You deserved it 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michael Sawyer 11

there could be a problem with the water lines going into the kitchen. are they old pipes or the new pex pipes? if older they could be leaching things into the water going to the kitchen sink.

Perhaps get your water quality and pipes tested. Meantime, in light of this evidence of a difference between water from the kitchen and the bathroom, why are you invested in believing there isn't?


Michael Sawyer 11

there could be a problem with the water lines going into the kitchen. are they old pipes or the new pex pipes? if older they could be leaching things into the water going to the kitchen sink.

I can taste the difference between a house that has copper pipes and one with PEX pipes. Do you have some sort of water filtration system at the kitchen sink? Has it been properly maintained? There could be something wrong with the pipes going to either the kitchen or the bathroom, or something wrong with either of the faucets. Kids while perceptive can be really weird in what they prefer. Heck I even once had a kitchen faucet that was growing mold.

Michael Sawyer 11

I can too I grew up drinking crappy water that had been poisoned by open pit mining. I don't think I ever drank clean, almost pure water until my 20s(unless I drank bottled water).

coius 23

Pex is a god send. I used pex B in my home. High water pressure, easy install. The tools are a bit expensive, but well worth the savings. Also, pex won’t burst when frozen, but pvc/copper will. I learned that at my new home before I moved in, as my dad turned off the furnace in dead middle of winter. My toilet water was frozen in the bowl. My faucet in kitchen because a fountain.

Perhaps get your water quality and pipes tested. Meantime, in light of this evidence of a difference between water from the kitchen and the bathroom, why are you invested in believing there isn't?

tounces7 27

You might have some really old galvanized or even worse(lead?) pipes going to the kitchen sink that don't go to the bathroom.

coius 23

Lead pipes by now would have so much calcium deposits, it’s not that dangerous unless you disturb them. But it’s still not good to have. Makes bad water pressure.

kids at a young age are far more perceptive than adults and their senses are far more sensitive I would get your pipes checked you may have mold ,old rusty pipes, lead pipes if your child can taste the difference you should take that as a warning

i like to think of it as kids have unbias senses, meaning there not likely to ignore things due to being "use to it"

J15237 25

Hey, your kid is drinking water. Stop your damn complaining of where he gets it.

When I was a kid the best water came from the hose outside.

mando 10

Oh my God, outside water hose is the best! But as long as they are able to digest the bathroom water for now untill everything is fixed, the child can deal with the bathroom water. It's so much better than forcing toxic kitchen water on them.

You should be drinking filtered water.