By Anonymous - 15/05/2015 20:58 - United States - Evanston

Today, at work, I was about to close a big sale, when a coworker rushed over and said there was a call for me in the office. He heavily implied my mom had died, and I rushed out. After I figured out there was no call and that my mom was fine, he'd already stolen my sale and the commission. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 098
You deserved it 2 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is unacceptable. You should inform your boss about this so your coworker will get what he deserves.

That is absurd, he can't get away with that !! There must be somewhere you can make a complaint. That's so mean as well to make you think your mum died just to steal your sale, who the hell in their right mind does that?


DontClickOnMe 28

Wow, your co-worker is a asshole. What would make him think that's okay.

They say that people in sales have a higher chance of being psychopaths (lacking empathy). Hmm

MaydayParadexx 18

#31, you're thinking of a sociopath. Much different. Honest mistake though :)

danceinconverse 25

Actually I believe both sociopaths and psychopaths lack empathy, but honest mistake on your part too :)

62 Yea to be honest I would ordinarily have put sociopath. Just yesterday I read a Times article listing the top 10 careers suited to/top 10 least likely to suit "psychopaths".

Actually he did mean psychopath. While both are really antisocial personality disorder (a psychiatric diagnosis), psychopaths generally plan any deceit (like the colleague planning a way of getting OP away from the customers - by making up the phonecall) and also can hold down a job. A sociopath is a typical antisocial hooligan, who is more erratic and impulsive with violent outbursts. Ps I am fun at parties, honest, I'm just also really interested in psych ;)

tiger1 10

Talk to your boss about this and inform him of the situation. Or just do the same to him

Exactly this. Surely there is something you can do about this. Sue him or something as a last resort.

No don't tell OP to do the same. That's just low.

This is unacceptable. You should inform your boss about this so your coworker will get what he deserves.

ohsnapword 21

What, a promotion? Commissioned sales is a cutthroat business.

Well #15, murder's not illegal if you don't get caught.

Why on earth would anybody go so low just for a sale?! God, I hope your Bo's does something about this.

That is absurd, he can't get away with that !! There must be somewhere you can make a complaint. That's so mean as well to make you think your mum died just to steal your sale, who the hell in their right mind does that?

Seriously. Fight not only for your sale, but for that guy's punishment and/or dismissal from the job. What he did was disgusting.

He's obviously not in his right mind if he stooped that low.

Simplest way to deal with this is to tell your boss. Revenge might get you in trouble, while the truth will only hurt him. Sorry you had to deal with that guy, OP. Some people just have no respect.

Wow, what a piece of shit!! And then to go as far as implying your mom might've passed?! Show no mercy and get his ass fired because that is just beyond being a disgusting human waste filled nut sack.