By joking0303 - 16/07/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, my friend gave me a fortune cookie that said, "Don't be saddened by an upcoming event". Three hours later my girlfriend broke up with me because she said I was too superstitious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 133
You deserved it 6 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I agree with #1 and 2. That would be a really dumb reason to break up with someone. So, in other words, you had a different fault that ended the relationship.


ithedarkknight 0

Ouch that sucks seems like a lame excuse for your girlfriend to say... maybe it was the only one she had to get out while she still can XD

Eli0 0

I agree this is fake. A person would have to have severe superstition issues-like to the point of OCD-to have it affect a relationship. The OP's username is also "joking0303"

It could just be that she did not want to be with someone gullible enough to believe that stuff.

Yeah, I agree with #1. Your GF saw her escape, and she TOOK IT. Kudos to her.

I agree with #1 and 2. That would be a really dumb reason to break up with someone. So, in other words, you had a different fault that ended the relationship.

don't be saddened!she would have broke up with you anyway... I mean, like #1 said, what a lame excuse for dumping someone...

Well, don't be saddened. They aren't telling your future, they're giving you advice. So, stop crying and find someone who's not rude.

evil cookie evil!! feed it to the dogz i say!

Pahahaha that's funny. Ur such a loser (: And I agree with one and two