By ICanExplain - 22/06/2015 20:46 - United States - Sunnyvale

Today, after parking in the handicapped spot of a lot with my placard, an older couple with their 7-year-old grandchild came up and yelled at me for being a lying asshole and taking the parking spot. When I showed them my prosthetic leg, the kid started crying and guess who got yelled at again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 099
You deserved it 1 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh my God. I'm so sorry that happened to you. The nerve of some people. At least you know the second time they yelled at you... it's because they knew they looked stupid the first time.

What a good example they are for that child.


What a good example they are for that child.

Oh my God. I'm so sorry that happened to you. The nerve of some people. At least you know the second time they yelled at you... it's because they knew they looked stupid the first time.

Thats terrible! My grandma has a prosthetic leg and people always stare and point. After a while you just get used to it and brush it off. But I wouldn't worry about it, they should be more understanding. Hope all goes well

Am I the only one who honestly truly doesn't get handicapp parking spots

Dalboz 26

it's for the handicapped person to be closer to his goal. imagine someone with a wheelchair trying to cross the entire parking lot, which is mostly fairly large. the people that are entitled to that spot have difficulties and those spots were made to help them and make it easier for them

How can you not "get" them? They're there so that people with disabilities can have a closer parking space and don't have to walk the entire length of the car park and wider accommodate any aids they may need such as wheel chairs, crutches or service animals...... This really is a common sense thing

Even if a person has more minor physical issues, getting out of a car with the door less than fully open can be hard for some people.

PePziNL 20

Am I the only one who doesn't get people who don't get handicapped parking spots

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You were clearly trying to make a pun, but what the hell were you trying to say in the first place?

The phrase "leg it" means run as fast your legs can carry you because otherwise you're ******. Leg it, prosthetic leg... Now you should understand.

^ If someone is going to have an unreasonable and uncivilized chat, just leave.

thatonetribute 31

Some people love to pick fights. Walk it off, OP. They're just some jerks with nothing better to do than yell at people.

They're gonna yell at you for proving you've got a prosthetic leg? I'd yell at them right back. Who cares if they're elderly? **** that, they're human too.

tantanpanda 26

Yea, if that happened to me, I would uave been only mildly irritated, but if they yelled at me a second time, I'd go ape shit on them.

People need to mind their business! Handicaps are not always visible. I'm sorry you were verbally abused OP!

I am glad that you pointed out that not all handicaps are visible. Although my son has autism, which is special needs, he has a handicap placard as well. he is unaware of safety even though we continually teach him, and we always have his hand. But. the pass keeps us from having a longer walk which could cause him to dart because of interest in cars, you know? His issue isn't seen either. We too have gotten pretty disgusted looks and side comments.