Addicted to the anticipation

By Anonymous - 08/11/2021 07:59 - United States - Verona

Today, as every day for the past three weeks, I had to hear my housemate complain about an order being delayed. The last couple of orders took two months to arrive, and she decided to order yet again from that company, so she checks daily and I have to hear about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 945
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

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When she complains, fly into a rage. "Those sons-of-bitches!! Motherfuckin' crooks! Take your money and stiff you on the goods!" Then smash something of hers. She'll then keep her complaints to herself from there on. You're welcome for the wisdom.

(1) “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.” Your roommate has no excuse. They should have known about the delay based on their prior experience. (2) As you can attest, venting does no good and nobody wants to hear it. You can at least learn from this what not to do. (3) Ever since the pandemic got going, there have been extra delays in getting things into stock. Furniture, unless it’s actually in stock at the store tends to be slow getting the order filled under normal conditions. They should have told your roommate the expected delivery date at purchase time.


When she complains, fly into a rage. "Those sons-of-bitches!! Motherfuckin' crooks! Take your money and stiff you on the goods!" Then smash something of hers. She'll then keep her complaints to herself from there on. You're welcome for the wisdom.

(1) “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.” Your roommate has no excuse. They should have known about the delay based on their prior experience. (2) As you can attest, venting does no good and nobody wants to hear it. You can at least learn from this what not to do. (3) Ever since the pandemic got going, there have been extra delays in getting things into stock. Furniture, unless it’s actually in stock at the store tends to be slow getting the order filled under normal conditions. They should have told your roommate the expected delivery date at purchase time.

I feel your roommate's pain. The postal service is terrible, and it's just going to get worse. It's already gotten worse - rates have been raised three times this year, yet the service continues to dwindle. They even said deliveries would be slower. It's quite possible it's not the company's fault, but the postal service. Sure it gets annoying hearing about it all the time, but so is dealing with the USPS. I've ordered things from Japan I've gotten in a week, yet things within the US, no customs whatsoever, take three weeks. Unacceptable.