By eyepatch - 19/02/2017 10:00 - United States - Albany

Today, while I was giving a school presentation about life as an injured, deformed soldier, someone asked if the reason I wear an eyepatch is because I'm a pirate. I wouldn't have minded, had I not been presenting to high-school students. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 862
You deserved it 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CheekyRaccoon 27

Should've said, aye I lost it battling Colonel White beard for the last peice of chicken, I should of known not to have challenge him for his chicken, but I wanted it so bad, since I hadn't eaten for some time. What I didn't know is that he liked to play dirty when he fights. Long story short I got forked in me eye. I'm sorry if you had lost your eye and not just happened to have the eyepatch for pinkeye.


If you addressed a college crowd, they ask about your hidden booty and if they could look at your booty.

species4872 19

Aww leave him alone, at least he breaks up the monotony.

Maybe the person was trying to make you laugh seeing your circumstances. Perhaps it was a way to make the situation lighthearted.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Should've said, aye I lost it battling Colonel White beard for the last peice of chicken, I should of known not to have challenge him for his chicken, but I wanted it so bad, since I hadn't eaten for some time. What I didn't know is that he liked to play dirty when he fights. Long story short I got forked in me eye. I'm sorry if you had lost your eye and not just happened to have the eyepatch for pinkeye.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Having read the FML again, I'm a moron and misinterpreted where it mattered. Now it became such a shitty morbid joke, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry bro that sucks but thank you for your service

IIRC high school was a cesspool of stupidity, hormones, and pranks. Don't take it personally!

anymyous 3

I would've expected it from high school kids. Many of them are assholes!