Teeth gang!

By pridekills - 19/08/2012 04:19 - United States - Mulberry

Today, my coworker told me I should stop smoking cigarettes because it makes my breath "smell like shit" and makes my teeth look as yellow as corn. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 187
You deserved it 9 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

Maybe you should take that as a sign to start brushing your teeth, hm.

That was very rude of him to say your breath smells like shit...but maybe YDI for having poor oral hygiene....too bad a friend could alert you to that nicely.


N3766 20

Bad smell like that always turn me off..., time to see a dentist.

dlcj18 2

That really sucks go to the dentist and get a cleaning maybe that will help

jose562 5

Ha ha you're ******. You should probably get that fixed by getting new teeth.

Yeah, because they totally have that surgery available.

You can get all your teeth pulled and get dentures. Both of my grandparents did it at 40. Or you can get dental crowns. Not the most practical approaches to fixing teeth but I suppose they are whiter and "newer" teeth.

People do still comment on how white my teeth are despite the fact I'm a pack a day smoker.. Mate, you're doing something wrong. :/

Isn't society great nowadays? Smoking is getting more and more common amongst youngsters :(

28, rather than just identifying a problem, why not try to fix it? Yeah, I'm 16. Yeah, I smoke. It's disgusting. I wish I didn't but life didn't deal me the greatest hand at life, and I'm doing the best I can. Even if it means a cigarette is the only way I can get through the day. Cheers for judging me. :>

Well, at least you seem to have good oral hygiene.

Sammixowlface - Give me a ******* break. YOU chose to start smoking. YOU choose to continue smoking despite knowing how bad it is, and then you chose to admit it here. All that other bullshit about "getting through your day" is nothing but excuses and you damned well know it. You have no right to complain about people judging you for smoking so much at 16. You wish you didn't smoke? Then quit. There's gum, the patch, prescription medicine, hypnosis, whatever. Just don't ******* make excuses and expect people to believe it.

Is it weird that I'm fangirling a little over the fact that DocBastard replied to a comment I made? Yep, okay. But honestly, I'm well aware of the health risks associated with smoking. I choose to smoke regardless because in my eyes the alternative is a lot worse. Judge me? Fine, I admitted it on FML, I clearly deserve it. All I'm saying is that things aren't always black or white, right or wrong. Anyone else want to debate this with me? Drop me a message, this thread is hardly the location for it.

TraceCase_ 19

Keep smoking and by the time you're legally an adult I guarantee people won't be commenting on how white your teeth are. Cigarettes don't improve your life at all, you just think they make you feel better. That's the nature of addiction. Quit while you're ahead, you'll be glad you did.

Did the song 'You Don't Always Die From Tobacco' come to anyone's mind here? If you don't know what I'm talking about, put it into youtube. I suggest you do aswell, sammixowlface96.

64- plenty of people still smoke despite knowing the risks. It's not just it being "teen smoking", it's anyone smoking. (I couldn't smoke if I wanted to, though, due to medications I take. ) And then there's that stupid saying"you gotta die somehow" Also to sammixowl- doc is very very against smoking. And I can guarantee your life isn't bad to the point where you smoke to feel better.

ruabadfishtoo 0

64- compared to let's say 20 years ago, kids are smoking less. But they still do it knowing it's bad. To many it's seen as a way to be older and a rite of passage. I did succumb to it once or twice, but seeing my mum smoke completly changed my ways. It's not worth it whether you're going to die or not.

64 - That's because teens prefer weed over tobacco. Well at least where I live. Dumb teenagers. Instead of using the "my life is horrible" excuse to justify their addictions they should try to find something else to calm them down. Like exercise for example releases serotonin, which is a happy hormone. Or even just smiling can make someone happy even if it is fake. If you fake it enough times, it eventually becomes real. :)

People with the opposite of pale skin tend to appear to have whiter teeth and also, it takes time for your teeth to start yellowing. Bad breath, that could be post nasal drip(halitosis) or various other things.

Maybelline008 10

Sammixowlface- I think it is safe to say that most people in the world have been dealt a crappy hand at some point in their existence. Some people choose to dance in the rain. Others, like yourself, try to get pity out of people. Using excuses like "smoking is the only thing that gets you by" c'mon dude! That excuse only angers people. Instead of going around with a cigarette in your mouth and saying how much your life sucks, use the bricks that get thrown your way to build an empire.

23- Maybe this will make you feel better. I stated smoking as a teenager too, with pretty much the same mindset you seem to have. I had a pretty shitty life at home, and moved out of my house at the age of 15. At one point in time, I was sleeping in the bed of my truck. I started smoking because I thought it would help me cope with rough situations in life. One day, a man walked up to me and asked me how old I was. When I told him, he asked me why I smoke. I gave him my bullshit excuse. He then asked if I thought I should just kill myself, rather than learn how to overcome tough obstacles. I said no, and he looked me dead in the eye and told me that I'm already doing it. I pulled my head out of my ass, graduated from high school a year early, and finished a four year degree in two years. I am 20 years old. There are 20+ people working below me at a construction company I work for now. Pull your head out of your ass, and fight for a good life.

sweetmama88 6

If I was you I would go to the dentist for teeth cleaning.

SlayerElite 1

I know tea and other drinks are just as bad as smoking, so look into your diet. Also its the way you smoke that effects the teeth. some people have perfectly white teeth and smoke maybe a pack a day.

Strawberries, celery, carrots, and and apples are foods that can help whiten teeth. :)

theWINDOWmonster 3

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GlKL_EpnSp8 BRUSH YO TEEF, BRUSH YO TEEF, BRUSH YO GOT DAMN TEEF

SlayerElite 1

Then you should start, so you have a reason. Other than poor hygiene!

pcentral 17

You are now in the wonderful position of being able to do something about your dental hygiene problem (which it sounds like you didn't realise you had) and then blaming it on smoking. Isn't that better than not having smoking as a scapegoat, and everyone knowing that your dental hygiene just sucks?