Never forget

By Mr.Hoof-In-Mouth - 13/08/2017 13:00

Today, I was talking to a customer needing IT help. I make small talk about how my birthday is on the same day the Boy Scouts were formed, and I tell the customer I am sure something interesting happened on his birthday. He gets quiet, then gives his birthday. September 11th. Cue the long silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 386
You deserved it 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, September 11th -- the day that complete strangers were there for one another. We should be defined not by a tragedy, but what we do in the midst of it.

frozennickel 4


Oh brother, 'Muricans need to stop behaving like that was the end all tragedy.

I'm going to assume you're English, you really should try to be sympathetic to an event like that. some of us lost family that day.

The real tragedy is happening now. People have lost a lot more than those couple of thousands from that day to today and it's getting a lot worse when Trump is the sign all racists, and for all the war mongering politicians have been waiting for. We experience more racism in our daily life since this tragedy struck than 9/11 happened. Just because it doesn't happen to you today doesn't mean your tragedy is worse.

Yes, September 11th -- the day that complete strangers were there for one another. We should be defined not by a tragedy, but what we do in the midst of it.

Seems like a pretty random icebreaker that could backfire. My birthday is Roe v. Wade Day. Wanna chat about abortion?

frozennickel 4
Lobby_Bee 17

You need to think fast on your feet working with customer service. There are a million other things you can make up that happened on September 11th that is less depressing.

It's tough to focus on the good when the bad outweighs it by 10-fold. But, Henry Hudson did sail up a river that later was named after him, and found Manhattan.

Most of the stuff that happened on my birthday are little things, like Christopher Columbus wrote a letter or this army arrived at this place during this war (but no battles). The coolest thing I found was the exploding meteor in Russia in 2013. Which reminded me that I saw something similar happen a few days later over my hometown.

Rootbeerbum 15

don't feel bad its also my wife and I's anniversary and my fathers birthday as well lol