Take care

By charlieday - 21/09/2009 16:34 - United States

Today, my girlfriend asked if she should get birth control, and of course I said yes, and even offered to pay the 55 dollar fee. She got her physical and pills, then dumped me. I basically paid 55 dollars so that she could sleep with other people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 228
You deserved it 4 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is it with all the, " I gave them money to gamble or **** around and then they dumped me" fmls? OP: you're better off without her, congrats.

flyboy57 0

yeah, that sucks. maybe she'll get an STD from all the people she sleeps with.


amatayo 0

means nothing to me. so how is everyone else doing on FML?

Im doing pretty good, just sitting around, being bored. How about you?

Hey, it most definitely sucks that she then dumped you, but props to you for being a kind and upstanding guy when you offered to pay for the birth control. Really, I think 50/50 is more fair, but what you did was very cool and mature. She didn't deserve you.

You never got to ride her bareback, huh?

go to a truck stop washroom suck up everything there with a turkey bastter and if ur lucky she'll catche something many things

and do what with the turkey baster ? now i'm all intrigued...

Tommy1337 0

wow your ex girlfriend is such a bitch FYL

Happened to me once, then she got really fat from it. So karma came her way

i like doing fat girls from behind. as long as they dont have any cellulite or stretch marks. the rolls i can play with.

well If you were willing to pay she may have thought that that meant you didn't want a children and she didn't realize she wanted children until after she bought the birth control.