HealthCare for all

By oopsbaby - 11/03/2020 18:00

Today, I found out that my girlfriend stopped getting her birth control weeks ago so she could afford a new Nintendo Switch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 729
You deserved it 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm afraid to ask how you found out- hopefully not by an ultrasound picture..

Amanda Howard 9

I mean she's a dick but still wear a condom just to be safe


Amanda Howard 9

I mean she's a dick but still wear a condom just to be safe

Is that a thing now? Are we really doing this now? We're using "dick" for women? I guess I'll have to get used to it.

I'm afraid to ask how you found out- hopefully not by an ultrasound picture..

Looks like she'll be Switch-ing her name to "Mommy." And playing in an immersive game of "Grand Theft Everything."

Er... can a few weeks of pills buy a Nintendo Switch where you live? That's awfully expensive. Then again, you are having sex together and don't want a kid together... what she did was stupid, but maybe you should pay for half of the birth control from now on. There is actually no reason she should pay for it all (she's already the one taking the hormones). Or get a vasectomy. Guys are always complaining when a woman fails to do birth control... but you can do it too, there is no reason the responsability should fall on the woman all the time.

whatever their previous arrangement was seemed to be mutually agreed on, and not the issue here anyway.

Fickle 6

Just as much your responsibility as it is hers. They make condoms for reason. Dr’s can even do reversible vasectomy’s.

I guess I'm out of the loop, because my health insurance makes my birth control free. And if she stopped buying it to save up for a Switch, I'm wondering what she's using and how pricey it is. Yikes!

Mayaklast, although your initial boiled down point is valid, you really went down a weird road. Vasectomy reversal is not covered by insurance and doesn’t always work. Also, on that topic, vasectomy is NOT a form of birth control. So by your thought process, why don’t she get her tubes tied?

Because tubal litigation is invasive and costly, and most doctors won't preform it until a woman has 3 kids. Vasectomies cheaper and easier to get.

Tell her to try nurx- cheap af birth control

Itsheragain 9

better start keeping diaper coupons.

There’s birth control that’s offered for free. She should try to get access to that