By Anonymous - 22/07/2013 19:08 - Trinidad and Tobago - Port-of-spain

Today, my boyfriend posted a screenshot from a porno on my Facebook, because the girl in it looked freakishly similar to me. My dad commented, asking for a link to the video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 147
You deserved it 4 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe your dad just wanted to make sure it wasn't you? Let's hope so.


lonewolf6613 4

my phone says this fml has zero comments. I guess your comment doesn't count :)

jaquie9 7

idk why but I read that in Cleveland's voice

I always read it in Cleveland's voice.

That is disgusting what kind of father would want to see his daughters look alike having sex! If you live with the pervert sleep with your doors locked Op, because that is CREEPY!

lonewolf6613 4

28 it was a joke :) yes I'm aware it was stupid. but obviously you cared enough to comment on it :)

60 - it wasn't a very funny joke but okay

lonewolf6613 4

which is why I admitted it was stupid

Just shut up... You're digging yourself a hole you can't climb out of...

I've come to realize the people who comment on the fmls are dicks.

Maybe your dad just wanted to make sure it wasn't you? Let's hope so.

That was my first thought cause I'm sure as a father his first reaction would be disbelief... I would hope.

The only reason I ever watch **** is to make sure my loved ones aren't in it. Now does anyone have any spare tissues?

Maybe she looks like her mom? This is the only other explanation I can come up with. Even then it's gross

What's her boyfriend watching port any way for?

@56 Hmmm, maybe like her mom when she was younger when him & her first met?....still though gotta agree that as his baby's doppelgänger that's pretty creepy lol, if the bf thought it was close enough to her to post it the dad might have some issues.

Just like going to the mcDonald to eat a salad.

How does McDonald's salads have anything to do with this topic?

Is anyone going to criticize the boyfriend for posting **** on Facebook?

dinosxxrawr 22

father and son-in-law bonding?...

UnluckyGenius 21
Starcatch77 20

I imagined Spongebob saying that because of your picture and it made it even funnier.

Every time he comments someone says this...

And I totally imagined urs in Peter Griffin's voice!! LMFAO this was a good comment section

Your profile picture kind of looks like Sarah Palin, so I imagined your comment in her voice. This is pretty great.

I originally read it as 'promo'. it was much nicer that way.

Bonding over his daughter's naked body? I understand optimism, but come onnnn.

It was a joke, calm your ****. That is really gross.

Hey now! My **** can act however they want to act! This is the 21st century lady.

40- Well, they can't act Anyway they want. After all, the right to swing your boobs, ends where your neighbour's nose begins. ;)

Rather than moving out facetiously?

miyaviichan 27

Oh man I can't believe I found that funny. So simple. Good job man.