Stop lying

By dinosaurman - 07/10/2009 16:07 - Canada

Today, I found out that my sister, who is 16 years older than me, is actually my biological mother. She and my parents decided it was best that I didn't know who my real mother was, and to be raised by my grandparents as their child. I've always hated my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 192 561
You deserved it 10 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Well then, I guess it's a good thing your grandparents raised you, isn't it?

Holy shit... this one isn't even funny. I'm sorry, man : |


#153 way to go the person said "she is 16 years older then me"

emshilie 0

Ohhh man. That is so many kinds of screwed up...

This is LAME. You obviously read the book "The Jewels of Tessa Kent", because you just summarized it. Seriously? Come up with your own stories. Fucktard.

You can't automatically assume this is made up because someone wrote a book about it. People write books about shit that happens in real life all the time. On another note, this FML reminded me of that V.C. Andrews series about the 4 girls in group therapy (each book centers around one girl; this situation is like the last and most messed up girl's).

dancingyrlie 1

right. and because something happened one time in one book, that MUST mean that there is a 0% chance it could happen in real life. < / sarcasm > it is surprisingly common for a child of a teen mother to be raised as the mother's "sister" - especially if the family is afraid of the way the community will react to their daughter or their entire family. they do it to protect both the daughter and the grandchild. it's very deceitful and i personally don't think it's right, but IT HAPPENS. so for you to call a victim of one of these schemes a "fucktard" is extremely disrespectful and WRONG.

Yeah, 'cause it could never happen in real life right? My son is being raised by my parents as their own son (I am an adult, but wanted to give him up and they wanted him) ... anyway, it does happen. My kid doesn't know me, but knows my sister and is a bossy little jerk to her when it comes to our (my sister and my) parents paying attention to her.

the_stereotype 0

I would have believed it, if it weren't a pretty much EXACT summary of the book. It's waaay too similar to it. If you read it, or see the movie they made out of it, you'll see what I mean. Sorry, OP, but I'm calling you out on it to.

sparxva 12

No, I think we can assume this was made up.

nobitch 0

i read that book it was the Runaway series and the specific book you are referring to is Raven and this is not similiar Raven was not lied to about who her mother was she was sent to live with her uncle after her mother was arrested

this could of truely happened and she could have never even heard of that book I haven't

Im guessing this is a fraud, this happened on a TV show and apparently a book. If it is real...FYL.

wazdog 4

Sure the guy says FML now, but I'm also sure he'd rather be alive than aborted. Of the teenage pregnancy cases, he's probably one of the more fortunate ones to have lived a normal childhood.

piano993 0

I'm sorry, but this sucks. Sixteen year old mothers are becoming more popular, I guess. Which makes me cringe because I am a 16 year old female and even though it is common for your grandparents to raise you as your parents in that case, keeping such a big secret is not good. FYL indeed.

No, he's saying that the girl that he thought was his sister had sex with someone (a boyfriend?) when she was sixteen and gave birth to the OP. The grandparents decided to look after him because his biological mother wasn't old/mature/whatever enough to raise him on her own, and likely the father bailed. OP, I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to discover that. I hope it all works out. But like people have said, you're lucky to have been raised by two loving adults, and that you're not in a foster home or don't know who you're real family is.